Sunday, July 29, 2012

Taylor's Circus Birthday Party

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 I bought the best Groupon deal EVER a few months ago for Taylor's birthday. It was 60 dollars for a bouncy house for 6 hours, a cotton candy machine, 2 tables and 12 chairs. I decided to do a circus/carnival theme for her party.
Some lollipop and candy sugar cookies I made

Her birthday cake

There was WAY too much junk food at this party:)

We made some really yummy popcorn with this machine!

Their party favors!


I made this garland out of fabric and tied each fabric piece to yarn.

Such a fun bouncy house!

The girls really wanted me to come into the bouncy house before everyone got there (not that awesome jumping on it being 6 months pregnant)

Our clown working the cotton candy machine

Taylor begged Rob to be a clown for her birthday so that day I went out and bought a few things for him to wear. He was such a trooper. He was a little creepy but funny and the kids LOVED it!

Taylor had such a fun time and I had such a fun time preparing for it. I love her so much and can't EVEN believe that she's 8 years old! Now I need to go get ready for her baptism in a week, yikes!


Emily Judd said...

that party looks amazing! what a great deal! and your dress is so cute!

dave said...

Seriously that party is DARLING!!! I may need to "borrow" that idea at some future point! :0 Rob...that is true love!!! What a cute clown!!! I can't believe your baby is 8!!

dave said...

okay so I didn't know I was logged in as Dave...this is really Jamie! :)

Bren said...

You are seriously SO cute! LOVE the decor; bet the girls had such a great time. So fun - and I can't believe she's 8 either!