Thursday, September 29, 2011

Bono the Monkey

Olivia got to take Bono the monkey home from school today and she was soooo excited about it. Bono got to go to Soccer with her and play on the monkey bars and then go to bed with her! We just hope he doesn't come back anytime soon since he's been to 15 other houses and really smells bad!

I've been busy making some more hair clips...

and I had to make 8 of these sacks filled with dried corn for a corn hole game that Rob is making. Pictures of that will come later, can't wait until it's done!


Heather said...

Have they had to bring home Flat Stanley yet? Ha ha!
At least Bono is cute!

I LOVE the new flower clips and what the heck are you making the bean bags for?

Emily Judd said...

olivia is so cute :) and love those flower clips!

Mark and Meghan said...

i was gonna say how cute it was that she got to bring home bono, until you mentioned it smelled!! sick. why didn't you wash it or something?!
she's still so cute. can't wait to see you guys in a couple of days.
love the bows...hope lilly will keep those in her hair ;)