Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Kate Bailey Judd is born!

 Baby Kate is finally here! She came exactly when I didn't want her to the middle of the night:) I went to bed at 10:30 on Oct 2nd and woke up at 12:10 to my water breaking in bed!! It was crazy how much water there was...kinda disgusting. I was freaking out and ran to the bathroom, then took a quick shower (meanwhile Rob is sleeping this entire time and doesn't hear anything, don't ask me how)! After my shower I woke up Rob and we called my sister to come over, then we rushed to the hospital. By now it's 12:25 and the hospital is 35 minutes away. On my way down I called my sisters Meghan and Heather to tell them to come to the hospital as soon as possible. I was having pretty painful contractions on the way down. We got to the hospital and checked in at triage. We were there for an hour before they took me upstairs to deliver Kate. I really don't think they believed me when Rob and I told them that my water had broke and that I had really fast deliveries!
The nurse came and brought me upstairs and by now my contractions are like nothing i've ever experienced in my life. We got to the room and I asked her when I could get an epidural and she said, "Well we need to break your water and do some paper work and then we'll have him come in, it will probably be about 20 or 30 minutes".  I was like, "actually my water broke 2 hours ago!!!!" They got the anesthesiologists in my room and gave me an epidural and literally 5 minutes later I delivered Kate so I felt EVERYTHING! 
 My mom was in Mexico and she really wanted to be there, but Kate couldn't wait 2 more days! I was so grateful to have Heather and Meghan there with Rob. 
 The girls woke up and Rob told them what had happened while they were sleeping...they couldn't  wait to get home from school and come to the hospital to see Kate!

 We had lots of fun visitors in the hospital!

 I really do LOVE this little person more than life itself! I am TOTALLY obsessed with her.
 I came home from the hospital to a really cute sign on my garage from my friend Tammi!

 So I haven't been producing enough milk AT ALL for Kate to eat (which is soo incredibly depressing)  but even without producing enough milk I got a breast infection. I knew I was getting one (since this is my 4th!) so I called my doctor and had him call in a prescription for me, but the next day I felt WAY worse. I had a fever and I was shaking and I felt completely helpless. I called my Doctor and he had me go to the hospital where they admitted me for 2 days so they could give me antibiotics. Kate was with me during the day, but at night my sister Meghan took her because her house is a lot closer to the hospital. While she was there, Meghan painted her tiny toe nails. It was such a cute surprise! :) 
So i'm feeling better but I'm still not producing ANY milk, not sure what to do. I'll probably keep trying for another week and then there's just nothing I can really do about it:( Some good news is that Kate sleeps 6-8 hours at a time at night, then she'll eat and go right back to sleep. It's kind of a miracle and I hope she continues to do it!! She's such a blessing. I LOVE my girls so very much!!


Emily Judd said...

Boo on not producing enough milk but hooray for Kate sleeping so well! Definitely a blessing! Still can't believe your hospital experience. Soooo annoying! Did she not even check to see how far your were dilated?

Sarah Ball said...

She is so so precious! What a cute addition to your family and you look gorgeous as always! love you!

Diane Riding said...

All of these pictures are so very precious,honey! YOu do have the dearest, sweetest, most beautiful little baby Kate and we all love her so much! My heart breaks for all that you've had to endure during these last few weeks, but it will all be behind you soon, and things will be better.....I promise!!! You are so blessed to have such an amazing, beautiful little grateful to be a part of all that....I LOVE YOU!!! 0x0x0x0x

jayna said...

Congrats again- she is beautiful! Happy babying!

Unknown said...

Love your blog! Why have I not seen it before? Love the painted toenails too - so fun! So glad baby Kate is here. Rob, the girls really are taking over - you better watch out!

Jamie said...

So sorry about the milk not coming in well. :( My water broke in bed with Jack. It was around 6:30 a.m. and I didn't noticing it breaking but became increasingly aware that I was soaking wet from my knees to my shoulders. Ick. Luckily we have a water bed so we stripped the sheets, put them in the washer, wiped off the bed and took off to the hospital. :)

Jamie said...

I'm not pregnant with kiddo #5. I was editing an old post on the blog and the post date accidentally got changed to current. I reset it. We're done and happy. :)