Friday, April 20, 2012

Emily and Josh get married!

 Rob, the girls and I flew to Salt Lake City for 2 days to see Emily (rob's sister) get married. The wedding turned out beautiful!! Lynnette made the girls' dresses and I made their belts. They were so excited to get dressed up in their "wedding dresses!" :)

 Emily looked absolutely GORGEOUS!
 We left to go home the day after the wedding but before we got on the plane we took all of the kids to the Church History museum and the conference center.
 The girls got to dress up and dance, it was set up so well.
It was a short trip but lots of fun!!

1 comment:

Mark and Meghan said...

Looks like fun lilly! I love the girls' belts!! Wish we still lives there do we could've seen you guys!! Xoxo