Thursday, February 23, 2012

I'm pregnant!!

My sister Heather called me and told me that she was putting these pictures on her blog and I thought since I'm the one pregnant I should probably have it up on my blog too right? :)
One Sunday we all went to Jill's house for dinner and I wore this t-shirt. Everyone noticed except for my mom, we actually had to tell her to look at my shirt. I don't know how you could miss this ugly shirt!
Rob and I are really excited...I go in on Monday to find out if it's 1 or 2 babies! All I can say is it BETTER only be 1!!!!


Stephanie said...

Congrats!!! But Liz...really... 4 kids are you nuts;)

Heather said...

Oh now...twinners again wouldn't be so bad would it? :0) I'll be praying for you!

Emily Judd said...

love that your mom didn't even get it! :) cute shirt!

Jamie said...

Congratulations! I hope you're feeling good!