Thursday, January 7, 2010


I get to see these little bugs tomorrow and I can't even wait! I"m going to Maryland tomorrow with my mom to see my sister Jill who I never get to see!
I'm really going to miss these little ones though! My mother-in-law is coming to watch them while I"m gone and I couldn't be more grateful!! They love when their Grandma's come to visit!!
p.s. I love ebay! I just got this bathing suit! (don't worry Rob, I returned the one from Target) :) Are you wondering why I have bathing suits on my mind? Maybe becuase it's like 80 degrees here in California, which is another reason I'm excited to go back East! I love VISITING the snow!!


Emily Judd said...

that swim suit is adorable! have so much fun in maryland!

Marcy said...

I'd love ebay too if I had a body like yours that could just buy a suit without trying it on!'re gonna look stunning in that suit, it's darling! Have a great time Elizabeth! I miss talking/seeing you. We'll have to catch up when you return. Have fun :)

Heather said...

I am loving the suit - did you also get the other thing from Ebay?

Have fun with Jilly and the kids!
Love you!

Emily said...

ditto what Marcy said about pretty much everything. I couldn't help but notice that it was Juicy :) They have a sun dress that matches it you know ;) Love you lizzie I hope you have an awesome time in Maryland.

Michael and Michelle Peterson said...

I am going to have to concurr with everyone else and say that I am loving the swimsuit! I should shop online more often. Which reminds me, I just got one of my Chemistry textbooks online for $13.99 and it is normally $203! Craziness! Anyway, have a blast in Maryland, dress warm! Love you

Roney Family said...

Hope you are having a wonderful time!!

Bren said...

I hope you had so much fun in Maryland! I cant' wait to hear all about it!! Maybe one of these days we can actually hang out :)

LOVE the swimsuit and the Ebay idea. I am totally going to copy!

Matt and Jennae Porter said...

Cute suit!! There is no way I could ever pull that off, but it will look fabulous on you! Have fun on your trip.

camille said...

I am jealous of the suit! ITs DARLING!!! Help me ebay shop, would you??? Hope your trip was fun and I wanna hang, eh?!!

Barbara said...

CUTE bathing suit!! I've been in my own world this whole month, I had no idea you went to Maryland. How fun!